What You'll Find In the Report


Unique Insights
Worker Preferences
Motivating Factors

Grace Abbot

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The report, compiled from a comprehensive survey of 5,151 gig workers using Wonolo to find work, unveils a tapestry of insights that portray the gig worker's preferences, motivations, and aspirations.

The journey for workers today is one of juxtaposition, where the desire for variety meets the comfort of routine. In this report, we navigate through the intriguing terrain of their preferences, discovering how a significant majority opt for a harmonious blend of job variety and consistency.

The report dissects the survey responses from 5,151 individuals using Wonolo to find work, allowing us to gain invaluable insights into the various factors that influence their decision-making. From financial stability to personal flexibility, this report paints a vivid picture of the multifaceted motivations that shape the gig worker mindset.

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About Wonolo

Wonolo is a digital platform that connects workers, known as "Wonoloers", to various frontline roles in retail, e-commerce, distribution, fulfillment, and other blue-collar jobs and industries throughout the U.S. These “Work Now Locally” opportunities vary widely, from customer service, delivery, and event staffing to food production, warehousing, and manufacturing. With Wonolo, the future of work is here.